There is a Republican who has
won 3 smashing victories as Governor
in a state where Democrats outnum-
ber Republicans 4 to 3.
There is a Republican who at-
tracts Democrats and Independents
like nobody since Dwight D. Eisen-
There is a Republican who wins
big in the cities-where we lost the
1960 election to the Democrats.
There is a Republican who has
never lost an election to public office.
There is a Republican who has
faced, in his own state, the crises that
face all Americans - education,
health, crime, water and air pollution,
urban transportation and the slums.
There is a Republican who has
more combined state, national and
international experience than anyone
else on the scene today.
His name is Nelson Rockefeller.
Wouldn't he make a great President?
Rockefeller for President, R. Douglass, Chairman, 50 W. 44 St., New York, N. Y. 10036