
The Del Mars, Acrobats


Stock #:800328
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: Union City
State: New Jersey (NJ)
County: Hudson
Publisher: J.J.K. Copyart, Photographers
Postmark: 1951 Nov-20
Postmark City: Union City
Postmark State: NJ
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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This is an unusual turn specializing in a slow, hand-to-hand postures and lithe equilibristics performed with souffle lightness. The delicate, quasi-humorous treatment is enhanced in the middle portion by an assist from the pit's trumpet and saxes during duo's gymnastic excursions. Their salvo finish has the boy holding both feet of the girl in one hand aloft. The femme is small, dainty and pretty; her mate is a short, good-looking blond with lotsa muscle and grace.
From the Darlene Thorne Collection

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