Bromo-Seltzer Tower Building


Stock #:801566
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Baltimore
State: Maryland (MD)
County: Baltimore (city)
Publisher: Emerson Drug Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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The home of Bromo-Seltzer and Ginger-Mint Julep. Emerson Drug Co. Data in regard to Bromo-Seltzer Tower. Total height of tower, 357 feet. The bottle on top, a facsimile of the regular ten cent Bromo-Seltzer bottole, but about 10,000,000 times larger, is 51 feet high, 20 1`/2 feet in diameter, weighs 17 tons, and revolves at the rate of 107 feet per minute. There are 596 electric lights in Bottle and Crown surmounting it, which can be seen at a distance of 20 miles. The Bromo-Seltzer clock is the largest four dial gravity clock in the world. The dial is 24 feet in diameter. The minute hand is 12 feet 7 inches long, and weighs 175 pounds. The hour hand is 9 feet 8 inches long and weighs 145 pounds. The pendulum is 15 feet long and weighs 475 pounds. The clock is automatically wound by an electric motor every six hours.

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