John Cobb Beats the Eyston Record for Speed on the Salt Flats of Great Salt Lake

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $12.95

Stock #:801994
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Bonneville Salt Flats
State: Utah (UT)
Publisher: Carpenter Paper Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

Additional Details:
Captain George Eyston's record made on September 8, 1938, of 357.5 miles per hour was beaten by John Cobb on August 26, 1939, when he drove at the rate of 369.74 miles per hour. This is the fastest ever travelled by human beings on wheeled vehicles. The AAA under whose supervision these records are made has charge of the conditions and timing and an average of two miles is necessary to race a record mile, one in each direct. It is now understood that Captain Eyston will again try for a better record in 1941.

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