Ai Hugh.
Olympics 84
Ingresso Teatro Olimpico we had our
Entree Theatre Olimpic
Entry Theater Olimpico 13 misforturne
Eintritt Olimpico Theater on ouſ travels
and lost our a bage in
Paris while changing planes
Bags were found Good luck) 3
days later in Tel Avis, Israel. L
I what a problem with no.
change of clothes for 3 days.
Sports arri|3050 Military Road Nw.
clothes, until our bags arrived
all move to Sonnambula at I WASHINGTON D E
the Theatra Malibran in Venice
- 20015
Tuesday, excellent performance
but bad seats.
So far
so good and I
Edit. G. Gallo - Vicenza
hope to get to Firenze. Jack & Carlotta
Fotocelere s.r.l. - Milano