Liberty Loan Carade. San Francisco Oct. 24th 1917
between 30.000 x 40.300 parade. British Haq cane's
publicly through streets of. Jan Kancisco for first time in
history. dient Azur. Canada in commands. part.
sett Gaad. Seaforth Highlanders. & W. Brummond. Norie represent
Scotland. Two sailors pon H.M.S
orhisa" of Canshaan dan
Captain Robert L. Russell of the
Navy announced that 900 bluejackets
and a band of 152 pieces would march
as representatives of the United
States Navy. Hundreds of Red Cross
nurses in uniform, with floats and
ambulance units: 1000: Boy Scouts in
uniform: 200. Columbia Park boys
their seventy-piece band; 300 British
marines from a vessel now in a Pa-
cific port; 20 Canadian veterans of the
western front, now here on recruiting
duty; numerous fraternal organiza-
tions with their bands; 200 firemen
with the firemen's band; the League
of the Cross Cadets, 200 police: visit-
ing French officers, Highlanders in
kilts-- these will be among the uni-
formed detachments that will go to
make up the city's greatest parade.
The British tars got a great hand.
Old sea dogs with whiskers they
were, and they marched with fixed
bayonets, the first time that a foreign
force has marched armed in this city
since the Portmouth's men landed in
Yerba Buena cove. But they are al-
Mes now and can do what they could
not do in peace times.
With the aviation section of the
parade was borne the wreck of a
British Caldroon monoplane, brought
down over the French lines during the
first year of the war after it had been
in active service for six months and
had made 234 trips over the German
H. M. S. Orbita, under
Lieutenant H. B. Buckle
Navy, escorted by United
h recruiters, under com-
jor S. C. Manchester, es-
aited States Marines.
e Band.