Dear Madeline,
Your card to hand and many thanks for the first
day cover, it is nice, really pretty stamps this
time too, and will get you more stampson
approval in the near future too. Will be ex-
pecting the cards too, they are on trade are they
not, and what have you made out on the U. 0.
pictures, with your friends, have been expectiong
these too, can use up to one hundred if you
can gather up that many from other KåXXX places
out there too. And will pay postage on them
and give you 15% each in trade used foreign
stamps. Good stamps no junk. That should be an
incentive to you. will see that you get a prize
too if you will send me your nylon size. How's fo
morephotos of you and friends scenes and all too
I expect to get my seenes changed this vacation
so will send more along to you tog. Do come so on.
Sincerely, and cheerio, Syraydorra