182-The Melrose Inn, Harwichport, Cape Cod, Mass.
Cardo to children leter-
tempo. Carl Wilson
forluroale farm
Youth Brookfield, massa
Box 48
938) auvo 150d 3 NO140705-18V'1'9., 09VOTHS HI313n5 3NIONS
maitu i
& diversamento Cayo 150d , 3x01t0100-40% +2., COVDIHO-HI2LUDO ZMIANDO
Sept. 3:49
Presume Eleanor willwant &
this for her collection -
The Inn is dovely & food fine-
am afraid des gain pounda-
oh dear! We lay on sand all yeah.
aft. over to Horoet-It seemed
grand. Chic & Eleanor took noover
there. A little too cool for na to buy
hathing but they are used to itt
liked it. Don't expect no until you
see us! Hope allt to Sammie of co
*sSW 2033d VƏ HINOWVX Hinos
obis3M Q '3 Qalna disia
are all apY,-poup