June 15, 1943
The vicious anti-labor Connally-Smith Bill now awaits President
Roosevelt's signature or veto. The bill restricts the rights of labor and
makes Unions subject to Government regulations. In many cases,
innocent people will be liable to court action by simply following out
ordinary trade union activities.
The workers in America must in overwhelming numbers urge
upon our Commander-in-Chief to exercise his veto power.
In your own words on the attached post card, tell our President
that in the interests of the workers of the Nation and the war effort,
the bill should be vetoed.
A penny spent now will be repaid to you a thousand-fold in the
days to come.
Fraternally yours,
International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft &
Agricultural Implement Workers of America-UAW-CIO
R. J. Thomas, Pres.
R. T. Frankensteen, V. P.
Geo. F. Addes, Sec.-Treas.
Walter P. Reuther, V. P.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
White House,
Washington, D. C.