II - adio The HP
JNI P ara, of the Sixteent) Cart of our series is that, if
y ladies
would avoid creating
a scene, similar to
the one the artist,
Mr. R. W. Buss,
gives us in this ad-
mirable picture, they bad better forego reading ghost stories at
As the rough, wintry season of the year approaches, do not
forget that a Cold, once contracted, demands prompt treatment,
lest the accompanying Cough should inflame and rack the Lungs,
and induce the formation of tubercles. By the use of DR. JAYNE'S
EXPECTORANT, in small doses,--repeating same according to the
urgency of the symptoms,--your Cold will speedily yield, and your
Lungs escape a dangerous ordeal. If you should be seized with a
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, or any Bronchial Disorder,
the EXPECTORANT will subdue the inflammation of the parts,
detach the mucous matter which clogs them, and gradually pro-
mote a cure. In case of Asthma, the EXPECTORANT overcomes
the cause of the trouble, and a prompt restoration follows. If
attacked by Pleurisy, or any Acute Inflammation of the
Lungs or Throat, take the EXPECTORANT according to directions,
bathing the parts thoroughly with DR. JAYNE'S LINIMENT,-and
covering up warmly in bed. The EXPECTORANT, if taken in quite
small doses by Consumptives, will ameliorate the symptoms,
and especially ease the Cough as well as the oppression and sore-
ness of the Lungs and Throat. It is a helpful remedy also in cases
of Croup and Whooping-Cough, checking the violence of
the attacks, and relieving the attending distress.
Is at the service of those
possessing a bottle of
DR. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE. For the Dyspepsia of
Adults, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Oppression at the pit of the
Stomach, and Low Spirits, it is an excellent remedy,--the bowels in
such cases being kept open, when necessary, by DR. JAYNE'S SANA-
TIVE PILLS. Worms in Children it destroys with certainty,
removing them and the distressing symptoms to which they give
rise. As a Strengthening Tonic for feeble, sickly children, it
renews the appetite and rebuilds the general health, and it has a
curative effect in the Fever and Ague of the young.
J. R. GATES & CO.,
Commercial and Sansome Sts.,
San Francisco, Cal,