Rutherford, California
The great stone winery of Inglenook was estab-
lished in 1879, and nestles in a nook among the
foothills of California's lush, fertile Napa Valley.
Here, cuttings from the great vineyards of
France, Italy and the Rhineland were planted;
fine old oak casks from the Black Forest of
Germany were laid away in the cool vaults and
tunnels of the basalt hillside. The vintage wines
of Inglenook have been celebrated for more than
ninety years. Always in limited production, these
premium wines reflect the heritage and craft-
manship of the founder of Inglen ook, Captain
Gustave Niebaum - one of the earliest pioneers
in California's winegrowing history.
Jack W. Coburn, 527 Wano St., Martinez, Calif. 94553
SC13983-Color Photo: Jack W. Coburn