New York-Paris Auto Race. Times Square, New York.
Protos (German Car), ready to start February 12, 1908.
Garfield-Tea Syrup
A Pure, Safe, Healthful Laxative.
The action of this medicine is perfect-it
is mild and potent. It is made from the
famous Garfield-Tea herbs. Because of its
freedom from harmful drugs, acids, minerals
and narcotics, it is peculiarly adapted to
treating the ills of infants and children,
and it is remarkably successful in maintain.
ing good health in the adult.
This remedy is held in the highest esteem
by all who know the value of a simple laxa-
tive that gently assists Nature.
It is a very effective Cold Cure.
Our invaluable booklet, “How to Keep the Baby
Well," thirty-two pages of excellent health hints,
printed on enameled paper, moiré cover, sent free.
Garfield Tea, Garfield Headache
Powders, Owl Oil, Garfield
Digestive Tablets.
The Garfield Remedies are famous the world over;
years of universal use have demonstrated their effec-
tiveness. They are made of simple ingredients com-
bined by experts. A trial always wins approval.
Samples of Garfield Tea, Headache Powder and
Digestive Tablets will be sent upon request.
Garfield Tea Company,
41st Street and Third Avenue,
Brooklyn, N. Y.