The Percomorph Fishes
No. 11 of a series
(Scomber japonicus)
Order: Percomorphi
Sub-order: Rhegnopteri
Series: Scombriformes
Family: Scombridae
The Oriental mackerel is found principally in
Korean waters. It is very closely related to mack-
erel found in other locations but some ichthyologists
are inclined to believe it to be a distinct species. A
famous authority tells us that S. japonicus spawns
in May and that the fry grow rapidly, feeding on
the fry of other fish. They are adult when about
14 inches in length, a 23 inch fish being considered
very large and rare. As a rule none of the genus
Scomber grow to large size and two pounds is
about the largest ordinarily caught. The financial
welfare of many fishermen depends upon the ap-
parently inexhaustible supply of
mackerel. We are told that in one
haul with a purse seine 260,000 mack-
erel were taken and that it is not un-
common for as many as two millions of mackerel to
be landed at one port in one day. Scomber japonicus
is closely related to the Pacific mackerel (Pneuma-
tophorus diego) and also to the Atlantic species
(Scomber scombrus).
OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM (Liquid) 10 and 50 cc. brown bottles in light-proof
cartons. Not less than 60,000 vitamin A units, 8,500 vitamin D units (U.S.P.) per gram.
100 times cod liver oil* in vitamins A and D.
OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM (Capsules) Especially
convenient when prescribing vitamins A and D for older
children and adults. As pregnancy and lactation increase the
need for vitamin D but may be accompanied by aversion to
large amounts of fats, Mead's Capsules of Oleum Percomor-
phum offer maximum vitamin content without overtaxing
the digestive system. 25 and 100 10-drop soluble gelatin capsules in cardboard box.
Not less than 13,300 vitamin A units, 1,850 vitamin D units (U.S.P.) per capsule.
USES: For the prevention and treatment of rickets,
tetany, and selected cases of osteomalacia; to prevent ETHICALLY MARKETED. We purpose-
poor dentition due to vitamin D deficiency; for preg fully selected for these products classic names
nant and lactating women; to aid in the control of which are unfamiliar to the laity, or at least
calcium-phosphorus metabolism; to promote growth not easy to popularize. No effort is made by
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sistance lowered by vitamin A deficiency; for invalids, displays, or over the counter. They are adver-
convalescents, and persons on restricted diets; for the tised only to the medical profession and are
prevention and treatment of vitamin A deficiency supplied without dosage directions on labels or
states including xerophthalmia; and wherever cod package inserts. Samples are furnished only upon
liver oil is indicated.
request of physicians.
*U.S.P. Minimum Standard.
Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind., U.S.A., Pioneers in Vitamin Research