Joe. Gans
The Baltimore boy, although colored, was
one of the most popular of American cham-
pions. Gans held the title of lightweight
champion, but about 1903 he stepped out of
his class to meet welters and Frank Erne
of Buffalo daimed the 133-pound champion-
ship. Later Gans met and defeated Erne
and then was matched later to fight Battling
Nelson for the crown. They met at Gold-
field, Nev., and the low weight that Gans
was forced to make is what many claim
sent him into decline. He won from Nelson,
but lost to him two years later in 'Frisco.
Following is his last year of bouts:
Jan. 3--Bart Blackburn.....K Baltimore.
Apr. 1-Spike Robson ......K Philadelphia
May 14-Rudy Unholz ......K San Francisco.... 11
July 4-Battling Nelson.. K by San Francisco....
Sept. 9-Battling Nelson.. K by Colma, Cal....... 21
Mar. 12-Jabez White ....No dc New York, ...
* Gans' biggest purse was in his match for lightweight
title with Nelson at Goldfield, Nev.. Sept. 3, 1906, $34,-
000. Of this purse Gans received only $11,000 for win-
ning, having agreed to give Nelson the balance, win,
lose or draw, amounting to $23,000. Referee, Geo. Siler.
Died 1910.
Copr. 1921, Ex. Sup. Co., Chgo.
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