MAR 2G 1S19
Card No. 3.
Glenn County, California
Willows, Glenn County, Calif. March 24, 1919.
STOLEN-DODGE Touring Car-$25 Reward
The following described DODGE 5-passenger Touring Car
was stolen while standing in front of the Glenn County Sav-
ings Bank on the night of March 22, 1919: State License
No. 290047; Factory No. 196944; Black Body; Three Michelin
Tires; One Goodrich tire om right front wheel; Extra Tire
'(Goodyear) on rear of machine. Oval shaped plate glass in
back of top, nickled plated; blue wheels. Arrest anyone in pos-
session of this car, hold and wire me; inform all garages. For
any information communicate with
NEWT POWER, Sheriff, Glenn County, Cal.
Sheriff W. F. Jones,
Tresno, Calif.