PAGAN REVELRY in the pre-Christian era on
Navarro Ridge, Mendocino Coast. Typical hippies
writhe in ecstasy to Cat Mother's hot licks, at
outdoor freak-out. Bes party may 17th Zaos bar
Olne oras Cosmeti cs
Elln't I plan a trip to
To the Citia Falley) an' thel
hth for a few days - wkle love & cel
Probably come by Friday.
- Thorne
Wie rebel at the songines
John ori
sprevis day-wita ými jl Cupertino, Calif
were here. We have a great
wech-end planned when 105
Nicholas Wilson photos, Box 943, Mendocino, Ca. 9546
Printed by Mendocino Lithographers, Fort Bragg, Ca.