Allan line
to Canada
The Allan Liner steamers sailed from Liverpool, England
to Canada and made a more direct route for passengers
wanting to reach America's heartland. Landing in Quebec
and Montreal, a train would take them across Canada to
other American cities. This charming turn of the century
Line steamship.
Published by TransAtlantic Research
If you enjoy ocean liner history, join the non-
profit, California based Oceanic Navigation
Research Society, Inc., Box 8005, Universal City, If you collect or have ocean liner memorabilia for sale, write and
CA 91608-0005. Annual dues $20.00 North advise in detail of your wants or items being offered.
America; $25.00 Europe and $30 other areas, or TransAtlantic Research, Box 8797, Universal City, CA 91608-0797.
write for free brochure (SASE appreciated).
Original graphic from the Charles Ira Sachs Collection.