Paramount Hotel, 46th Street Just West of Broadway


Stock #:85305
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: New York
State: New York (NY)
Postmark: 1929 Jul-28
Postmark City: Ney York
Postmark State: NY
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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The world's most luxurious grill. The Paramount Hotel Grill, located on 46th Street, just west of Broadway, is right in the heart of the theatrical and shopping districts. Viennese in style and architecture, it is the most beautiful in the country Ventilated with manufactured air and maintaining an even temperature of 70% at all times, makes dining and dancing pleasant and enjoyable. A deluxe entertainment is presented nightly from a fully equipped stage.

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