A few of the idle resident mechanics waiting at their headquarters, day by day, for a call to work.
29 E
A bread line in the heart of San Francisco.
midnight for something to eat.
Here a few of the unemployed line up at
Your signature only.
Sincerely yours,
you here.
worthy sources that there is work for
information from trust-
Stay away from California at least until
hoping to find profitable employment.
men who recently came to California
with by many thousands of working-
bitter disappointment met
of it all is to save you and others from
speak for themselves. The sole object
Board of Supervisors of San Francisco
card and the resolutions adopted by the
The photographs reproduced on this
Unemployed Warned Against Coming to San Francisco.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board of
Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, on March 4, 1912"
Whereas, There are at present in San Francisco a large number of un-
employed men and women, many of whom have been lured hither by false
and misleading reports and advertisements published throughout the country,
representing that there exists a demand for labor in connection with the
Exposition; and
Whereas, This condition operates injuriously to the interests of our
citizens, and will, unless corrected, prove a serious detriment to the city;
therefore, be it
Resolved, That in the judgment of this Board, the labor forces now
available at a moment's notice are more than sufficient to meet any possible
demand now, or for a considerable time to come, and we would therefore
warn all persons seeking employment against coming to San Francisco,
since by so doing they are likely to be disappointed in their own hopes and
certain to increase the evils of unemployment among the people already here.