'D YOUR No. 21
Austrians are the most sociable. Their ho
their courtesy is most profound and t!
itude of the stranger within their gates is i
verbial. In
AT HOME. be made agamst them, it is that they are not disposed to ta
a laughter-loving race, and if any charge n
life seriously enough. In casual intercourse, however, no people
can be more charming than the Austrian.
It will pay you well to keep a small cof “Reifrennen” or hoop-racing is a popular diversion. Many
fee-mill in your kitchen and grind your clubs have been formed to pursue this sport. A specially arranged
just as you use it--one mess at a {course has been laid out in the Prater for Hoop-racing. The Prater
Coffee should not be ground until { is the famed pleasure ground near Vienna. This course is called
fee-pot is ready to receive it. Cof- the Freudenau, "The Meadow of Pleasure.” Races of profession-
11 lose more of its strength and als and amateurs are run here on Wednesdays and Sundays. The
in one hour after being ground only condition is the trundling of a hoop throughout the race.
in six months before being ground. Even the children are experts at this sport.
long as Ariosa remains in the whole
Bathing is a great summer amusement indulged in by large
berry, our glazing, composed of choice masses of the people. So enormous are the crowds that visit this
eggs and pure confectioners'
A sugar, delightful resort, that though there are bathing houses by the
closes the pores of the coffee, and thereby thousand, some pleasure seekers are forced to wait hours for
all the original strength and aroma are {accommodation. *Bath-houses on wheels are universally used as
retained. Ariosa Coffee has, during 25 being most convenient.
years, set the standard for all other roast-
"Touristen" Outing Clubs exist throughout Austria and they
ed coffees. So true is this, that other have a beautiful custom of climbing the mountains at the beginning
manufacturers in recommending their of Summer. Prizes and honors await the person arriving first at the
goods, have known no higher praise than summit. Gala-days are many in Austria, and then the populace give
to say: "It's just as good as Arbuckles',” themselves up to pleasure.
themselves up to pleasure. These days are generally fetes
the Church dar. The Austrian lays his plans system
RBUCKLE BROS., for such on
he theatre invariably winds up the s
it understood, that as the Austrians a
terate thea
they do not wait for gala-days to atten
s one of a series of Fifty (50) Cards giving a pictor tory of the Sports and Pastimes of all Natior