
Oslo - Doblouggarden, Basarhallene og Vor Frelsers kirke.

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $15.95

Stock #:858085
Type: Postcard
City: Oslo
Country: Norway
Postmark: 1947 Sep-15
Postmark City: Portland
Postmark State: ME
Stamp: 25
Philatelic Notes: 25 Norwegian stamp depicting Christian Magnus Falsen (14 September 1782 – 13 January 1830) was a Norwegian constitutional father, statesman, jurist, and historian. He was an important member of the constitutional assembly and was one of the writers of the
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Additional Details:
Oslo - Doblouggarden, Basarhallene og Vor Frelsers kirke. Oslo - Doblouggarden, the Bazaar Halls and the Church of Our Savior.

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