ZHE American Negro is a child of nature, and one of the most
entertaining, interesting and happy of beings. His disposi.
tion is sunny, he is a born humorist, and has an inexhaustible
fund of good-nature and spirits. There is infection to laughter even
AT HOME. in the unctuous tones of his rich voice. He is fond of display,
gorgeous in his choice of colors and happy-go-lucky.
'Possum hunting is much practised in the warmer portions of
It will pay you well to keep a small cof- this country by the negroes. The opossum is the daintiest of
fee-mill in your kitchen and grind your dishes to their taste. To catch one requires great skill, for these
coffee just as you use it--one mess at a animals are very tricky, and even simulate death so well, when
time. Coffee should not be ground until caught, as to deceive the novice. It is the object to capture the opos-
the coffee-pot is ready to receive it. Cof, sum without injuring his hide, as this has a market value. 'Possums
fee will lose more of its strength and are oftenest 'treed,' but they are also caught in traps; the former
aroma in one hour after being ground method is sportsmanlike, and generally requires an arduous chase.
than in six months before being ground. The cake-walk is one of the most original and entertaining of
So long as Ariosa remains in the whole amusements. This is an exhibition participated in by as many
berry, our glazing, composed of choicecouples as may choose to compete. The idea is based upon the
eggs and pure confectioners' A sugar, simple desire of being pronounced the most graceful and best of
closes the pores of the coffee, and thereby walkers. Human nature is so constituted that this challenge is
all the original strength and aroma are accepted by most of the young negroes of a community. Judges
retained. Ariosa Coffee has, during 25 are appointed, and before them pass in serious and sober fashion,
years, set the standard for all other roast- {to the accompaniment of music, couple after couple. They award
ed coffees. So true is this, that other the prize, a cake, to the best deserving, to the envy of the rest.
manufacturers in recommending their The banjo is the favorite instrument of the negro and adds to
goods, have known no higher praise than gayety of his home life in his cabin. Here while thrumming the
to say: "It's just as good as Arbuckles'.' notes, and beating time with his foot, he teaches his young picka-
ninnies to make their crude steps in harmony with the music. The
ARBUCKLE BROS.. bones and the tâmbourine, rude and elementary as they are,
played by negroes as accompaniments to their vocal music, add
much that is pleasing to the effect.
This is one of a series of Fifty (50) Cards giving a pictorial History of the Sports and Pastimes of all Nations.