What is it?
A powerful Restorative! Nature's true Renovator!
A most successful combination for regulating the Bowels,
for purifying the Blood, for toning up the Nerves, and
imparting strength and vitality to the entire system. It
acts powerfully upon the Liver and the Kidneys, and
never fa ls to cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia. It is the
best Family Medicine known. This is
Burdock Blood Bitters!
Mrs. J. G. ROBERTSON, Pittsburg, Pa., says she
was suffering from general debility and want of appe-
tite. Burdock Blood Bitters cured her. She has not felt
better for years.
R. GIBBS, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: I have used your
Burdock Blood Bitters with the best results for torpidity
of the Liver; the effect was marvelous.
BRUCE TURNER, Rochester, N. Y., writes: I was
subject to disease of the Kidneys and was unable to at-
tend to business. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. I
am now quite well.
R. A. HALL, Binghamton, N. Y., writes: I suf-
fened with a dull pain through my left lung. Lost my
appetite and spirits. Got sallow in complexion. Bur-
dock Blood Bitters entirely cured me.
Mrs. MORRISON, Newark, N. J., writes: I was
subject to sick headache for years, especially in the morn-
ing. I had a tawing complexion, which I was told pro-
ceeded from the liver. I tried Burdock Blood Bitters
and have not only got my complexion back, but my
health restored.
JAMES HEPBURN, Oil City, Pa., says that for years
he was a great sufferer from indigestion and sick head-
ache, and used the Burdock Blood Bitters with the hap-
piest results. Is now better than for years past.
Burdock Blood Bitters are guaranteed to effect a pos-
itive cure, and all druggists are instructed to return
money if satisfaction is not given.