Spirit of 76
Vietorjat Sanatoga
Surrender at Saratoga 1777 by Trumbull
1777 1977
The Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saatoga,
The Turning Point of the Reyolution
Oficial Furst Day Cover
What was planned as a mortal blow to America's struggle about. He had underestimated his enemy and
for independence turned instead into a humiliating defeat overestimated Loyalist support. A foraging party was
of the British forces under General John Burgoyne. smartly whipped in the Battle of Bennington, the
“Gentleman Johnny,” as he was known to his troops, had Redcoats in the Mohawk Valley were routed at Fort
witnessed earlier attempts to quell the Colonists, notably Stanwix, and the reinforcements from New York City
at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Convinced he would prevail failed to materialize. Then Burgoyne's Campaign stalled
where his superiors could not, Burgoyne convinced King completely when it encountered the superior and firmly-
George as to the wisdom of invading the colonies from entrenched army under General Horatio Gates. Two
Canada along the natural route formed by Lake pitched battles ensued, with Burgoyne suffering terrible
Champlain and the Hudson River. The three-pronged losses. After stalling for time in hope that reinforcements
attack - including an auxiliary force operating through would save the day and his chance for glory, the
the Mohawk Valley and other troops following the Gentleman General finally agreed to surrender terms.
Hudson from New York City — held Albany as its focal News of the Victory at Saratoga gave great heart to the
point. Following an easy victory in the retaking of Fort American cause, bringing France into the war as an open
Ticonderoga, Burgoyne would find little more to cheer ally — an event crucial to ultimate victory.