Boston Press :
Herald : Standing room only; largest audience of the
season welcomes the Jollities.
Post : Tlie funniest of all musical absurdities.
Globe: The Jollities gave the best performance that
has graced the Gaiety this season.
Fournal: Very far ahead of the majority of similar
productions. They deserve full houses during their
stay among us.
Advertiser: The Jollities kept the audience in a state of
almost constant hilarity, and the piece (“ Electrical
Doll”) may safely be written down a hit, - a
palpable hit.
Traveller: Music of character, bright and witty dia-
logue, the m st amusing situations in part denote
the great success of the Jollities.
Lowell Courier. Dec. 23: The company, which is an
excellent one, for over two hours, entertained and
amused the audience with their fine singing,
bright, witty jokes and dancing.
Lawrence Eagle, Nov. 27: The music is charming
throughout, bright, melodious, and capitally suited
to the play.
Springfield Republican, Nov. 14: The piece itself is
much better in ideaand has less of the variety stage
flavor than most of the lighter musical enterta n-
ments going about the country, and the music is by
far het:er, being tuneful and catcliy.
Albany Evening Fournal, Jan. 21: One of the brightest,
neatest and best combinations that has been here
as yet.
Albany Argus, Jan. 21: The company is rightly named
for a jollier party probably never appeared before
an Albany audience.
Providence Morning Star, Dec. 31: l'nlike the farces
given by many similar organizations, it has a gen-
uine and unique little plot. and a score or more of
musical selections.
Provdence Evening Telegram, Dec. 31: The music
has the merit of originality as well as being exceed-
ingly tuneful and pretty.