THE familiar Bible Story
"Rebekah at the Well the Approach of the Servant,"
Is very satisfactorily delineated in the Seventeenth Card of our
Album Series. In design and execution we think it an advance
on preceding issues, and we hope for it an even more favorable
During all the seasons of the year DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT
should be kept in every household, for in all families troublesome
COUGHS AND COLDS are likely to occur,--CROUP, to suddenly
endanger the lives of your Children; BRONCHIAL or THROAT
AFFECTIONS to rapidly develop, or LUNG DISORDERS and Con-
SUMPTION to dangerously threaten. Do what you will, WHOOP-
ING-COUGH will claim its victims, and in our trying climate,
ASTHMA, PLEURISY, and Acute Inflammations of the THROAT
and LUNGS are sure, more or less, to prevail. Is it not, therefore,
both prudent and economical to keep by you a remedy that may
be safely resorted to in emergencies? If so, you will find the
EXPECTORANT, taken in appropriate doses, prompt and certain
in its operation, sure to ameliorate the more obstinate symptoms,
and gradually to promote a permanent cure. For many, many
years this sterling domestic curative has been the reliance of most
families, in every condition of life, throughout the land; and in all
this time, in the face of constant and multiform competition, its
popularity has been steadily increasing. Can we offer any more
satisfactory guarantee of its intrinsic merit?
The possible Approach of Cholera Shoubatan at
all that an at-
tack of Diarrhea, or some other form of Bowel Complaint,
almost invariably precedes the more violent symptoms of this
dreaded disease, and these affections, as well as Cramps,
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, and Summer Complaint,
can be more effectually and safely combatted by the use of DR.
D. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM, than by other means. Keep
this CARMINATIVE--which is not a new, but an old and well-tried
Remedy-handy for emergencies.
North Walton, Delaware Co.,
New York.