A 5.
Gies & Co. Buffalo, N.Y.
Dr. Fenner's Capitol Bitters
Is most agreeable and powerful invigorant to the
system ever heretofore known.
Increases the appetite, warms up the stomach,
promot digestion. Relieves dullness and flat-
ulency. Tones up and regulates the whole
digestive tract, including stomach and bowels.
Supports all the vital functions. Increases the
strength and vigor of the system.
WESLEYVILLE, PA., July 25, 1872.
Dr. M. M. FENNER, FREDONIA, - Dear Sir-I have been using
your Capitol Bitters, and I desire to say that I have never found a
remedy heretofore that possessed such strengthening and invigo-
rating qualities. It produces appetite and health; thus guarding
the system against the prevalent diseases of the season, at the same
time that it is pleasant, warming and agreeable to take.
No laboring man or woman should risk themselves against the
numerous causes of disease all the time operating upon them, with-
out guarding themselves by an occasional use of a bottle or so of
this wonderfully efficient remedy. I would go to New York City
for Capitol Bitters rather than be without it when needed.
Yours truly,
When all other medicines disagree with a delicate
stomach, this mild but efficient Bitter will set kindly.
It so invigorates the system as to ward off disease, guard-
ing against Ague, Fevers and Bowel Disorders in
the summer, Colds and Inflammations in the win er,
and all Epidem c Diseases at all seasons of the year.
Price, $1.00.
F. SIMMONS, Jamestown, N. Y.