Bies & Co. Buffaio,N.Y.
Dr. Fenner's German Eye-Salve.
Beautiful in appearance, fragrant to the smell, and
certain in its curative effects. It is cleansing, mild,
soothing, white, soft and creamy, and perfectly safe. In
it, as applied to Diseases of the Eye, as well as to
all Cutaneous Eruptions, and to Piles, the acme of
success appears to have been reached. It is indeed a
conspicuous medical triumph. Read Certificates of Re-
markable Cures in Special Circular, entitled “Dr. Fen-
ner's German Eye Salve."
Wherever applied to a diseased surface, it possesses
the remarkable property of at once exciting a healthy
action in the part, and securing a rapid and pleasant cure.
GAP MILLS, MONROE Co., WEST VA., March 30, 1879.
Dr. M. M. FENNER, Fredonia,-- Dear Sir--I wish to express to
you my sincere thanks for the benefit I have received from the use
of your German Eye-Salve. I had been afflicted with chronic
sore eyes for a long time. All treatment seemed to be of no avail. I
have now used your German Eye-Salve eight days, and my eyes
are well.
Very respectfully, S. S. STRONG.
Dr. Fenner believes his success in the treatment of the
various Diseases of the Eye surpasses at th time that of
any other known specialist.
For evidences of his skill in diseases of the eye, see
Dr. Fenner's New National Guide, pages 81 to 86.
(Send a postage stamp for a copy.) As the chief potent
remedy with which he has been enabled to effect these
cures, he takes pleasure in placing his German Eye
Salve withir. the reach of all. Price, 25 cents.
F. SIMMONS, Jamestown, N. Y.