A 6
Gies & Co. Buffalo,N.Y.
Dr. Fennor's Blood and Liver Pills.
A good, reliable and kindly purgative is a medicine
needed and highly prized by all people in all climates.
These pills contain all the properties that could be wished
for in such a medicine.
A Model Family Physic--Strictly Vegetable.
Composed chiefly of the concentrated juices from the
choicest known medical plants. Adapted to the relief of
all those diseases having their origin in a disordered
state of the stomach, liver and bowels. An admirable
Aperient Purgative and Cathartic. Their action is
e qualized and uniform throughout every portion of 112
stomach, bowels and liver. They are mild, pleasant
and harmless, even to a babe, at the same time that they
are certain and reliable.
Their action is searching, far-reaching and most thor-
ough. One of the finest alterative compounds that can
be put together, acting upon all the glands of the body,
and especially the Liver, exciting them to a more ener-
getic performance of their functions in taking up and
removing all worn-out, effete and deleterious particles of
matter from the Llood and tissues, thereby cleansing,
purifying and renovating the entire system-solids and
fluids alike. Price, 25 cents.
F. SIMMONS, Jamestown, N. Y.