B 3
Gies & Co. Ruffalb,N.P
Jor use in the nursery for infants and children teething
and o herwise worrisome anl irritable.
PLEASANT, SAFE, CERTAIN. It regulates the entire
System of the Child, quickly allaying all pain, soothing
and tranquilizing the irritated nerves, toning up and
strengthening the stomach, bowels and digestion, pro-
ducing rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness,
health and vigor. It relieves all pain and griping in a
very few minutes.
From C. A. CLUTE, Assistant Supt. D. A. V. & P. R. R.
OFFICE OF Gen. Supt., DUNKIRK, N. Y., JAN. 29, 1877.
Dr. M. M. Fenner,-- Dear Sir-Having used your soothing
Syrup for the past three years in my family, with the most happy
results, after trying others on the market to little or no purpose,
can cheerfully say, without exaggeration, that it is the best Sooth-
ing Syrup extant.
It is a sure and safe remedy for children while teething and
suffering from other ailments incident to childhood. Its effects are
to produce a sweet and natural sleep, from which the little patient
awakens greatly refreshed and without any apparent stupor. I
would urge mothers to try it.
Yours truly,
Its preparation combines the deductions of science
and the experience of the nurse.
It is believed it repre-
sents the accumulated experience and knowledge derived
from these sources for all ages, Lrought down to the
present time. Price, 25 cents.
F. SIMMONS, Jamestown, N. Y.