Independence. s.s. Constitution
From American Export Lines, Inc., 39 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y.
New. Twin-Sister Express Ships of American
Export Lines - Fully Air Conditioned -
29,500 tons-Largest and Fastest Liners
in Mediterranean Service.
INDEPENDENCE arrived Beirut Saturday
March 8 at 7 AM. After touring Beirut and
its surrounding scenic grandeur, passengers
journeyed to the magnificent ruins of Baalbeck
where excavations are still in process, then on
to famous Damascus in Syria. A visit was
made to the factory where some of the most
beautiful brocades in the world are fashioned.
Many passengers flew to the Hashemite King-
dom of Transjordan to visit Jerusalem and
Bethlehem, rich in biblical history and natural
beauty. The vessel sailed at midnight, Mon-
day March 10 for Alexandria.