Mission Motel, 11920 Long Beach Blud., Lynwood, Cal.
Phone: NEwmark 1-7767
"Approved by Leading Travel Associations"
Centrally Located Between Los Angeles, Hollywood and Long Beach
R 300
The MISSION MOTEL is reached from L. A. or Holly-
wood by any Blvd. So, to Manchester Ave., East to Long
Beach Blvd., then So, about 3 miles to the Motel. From
U.S. 66, 60, 70,99 take Atlantic Blvd. to Imperial Hwy.
at Lynwood, then right to L. B. Blvd., then Left a few
blocks. 25 modern units carpeted wall to wall. Tiled
showers or tubs. Radios. Spring Air Beds. Panelray Heat.
Tiled "De Luxe" Kitchenettes.
A "Colourpicture" Publication, Boston 15, Mass., L. A. Office 2143 So. Alsace Ave., L. A.