"Rare" 1907 Benjamin Franklin 1c 1706-1790 Stamp

 Price: $4999.95

Stock #:886698
Postmark: 1907 Sep-9
Postmark City: Broad Ford
Postmark State: PA
Stamp: 1c
Additional Details:
This is not a rare stamp. Sure, we'll sell it to you if you absolutely have to have it, but it's not worth $5,000.

Please read our blog post about "Rare" 1c Stamps on Postcards

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Reviews, Comments & Questions:

  • 2021-11-11 06:50:09 - Cryptovisioninc@gmail.com:
    I have two different styles of the one cent stamp both of which in mint. I'd like to sell them to a collector or someone who can appreciate the condition & rarity. Any ideas? Thank you kindly please email me back if anything comes up.
  • 2023-02-07 08:00:24 - Ray guzman:
    I have 1 trying to sell
  • 2023-02-07 08:01:20 - Ray guzman:
    I have 1 trying to sell
    Mobile #

  • 2023-04-05 02:50:33 - anilurmila9523@gmail.com:
    1cent green Franklin stamp
  • 2023-05-27 05:01:25 - Miss Dot:
    It's amazing that these people who sell these stamps don't even include perf measurements or catalog #'s. I wouldn't buy unless I did my homework. Some blue/green Ben 1cents are worth$$
  • 2024-03-03 02:05:41 - superherosusa@gmail.com:
    1) Series 1902 Ben Franklin green 1706 to 1790 with united states of America and one person on either side sitting on the number 1. on a used post card dated Sep 8 1906 Cheney Wash. Stamp has no ink marks. Front of card has a person in front of a mule feeding it and a person at rear of mule lifting tail to his ear. Caption reads 257 "line is busy, call again" for EP Charlton & Company Spokane Washington Edward H Mitchell Publishing San Francisco. Asking $4500.00 Call 541 591 7564 Don
  • 2025-01-31 19:13:34 - mohamedbetouche54@gmail.com:
    "Rare" 1907 Benjamin Franklin 1c 1706-1790 Stamp

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