Ride Smoothly- EatlWell-SleepComfortably-alongthe historic Old Santafe Trail 50s
Trail adv copyhted filck
AdministrátionBuilding1867 Modern Hospital 1928 General Custers Headquarters1867
When Pioneers beganto de-
velop Coronado-land they
depended uponthe Santa
Fe Trail forsupplies. In 1864
the Governmentestablisked
Fort Dodge to police tke trail-
Expanding development made
t neccessary to subdue the
Indians-the Fort was anim-
Fortant postduring Gen
Sheridans Indian campergr.
In 1882 it was abandoned,he
reservationopend for settle-
mentIn1889 Kansas acquired
the Fortand builf aroundthese
landmarks-the hzeadquarters
of the Pioneer Santale Trail
Patrol-a modere Soldiers
Home, The residents to-day
are Spanish andWorld War
Vete rans.CannON an 18
poundermodel 1863