Pacific Christian Hospital - Eugene, Oregon
Pacific Christian Hospital and Training School for Nurses
of the International Bible Mission, Eugene, Oregon
Dedicated and Opened for Service
Lordsday, March 16, 1924
This day will stand out as an epochal day for the churches of Christ in the
western portion of the United States.
The ground, building and equipment represent a total expediture of about
Extreme care has been taken to insure perfect sanitation throughout the
entire building and with this there has been coupled neatness, convenience
and durability.
The building together with its furnishings and equipment is first class
in every particular. It is easily accessible, on quiet streets and every room
is blessed with fresh air.
Able physicians and surgeons will be available at all times.
This is a Christian Hospital. All the sacredness and eternal glory of
the word Christian is embodied in the ministration of the Pacific Christian