Sandwich Isla
LTHOUGH the Sandw. Islanders are in converts
to civilization, yet during the last til
they have
made enormous strides toward enlightenmes Their nan-
AT HOME.ners, customs and practices were most primitiveBut they are
Teceptive and plastic, and with the advent of the first white settle
their improvement began, To-day they are in no interior
It will pay you well to keep a small cofour own masses. In most respects they are vastly sacrior to the
fee-mill in your kitchen and grind your remaining Islanders of the Pacific Ocean. They are a simple peo-
coffee just as you use it-one mess at a ple, confiding, happy and easily satisfied.
time. Coffee should not be ground untii The Sandwic Islanders are all natural expert swimmers, and
the coffee-pot is ready to rece ve it. Cuf seem to have been born amphibious. The climate is so delightful
fee will lose more of its rength and that the water is always inviting and refreshing. They indulge in
aroma in one hour after being ground all sorts of sports in the water, one of the most frequent being the
than in six months before being ground. use of frail planks in the surf. Passengers on Trans-Pacific steam-
So long as Ariosa remains in the whole ers stopping at these islands, amuse themselves by throwing coins
berry, wir glazing, composed of choice into the water. The native boys and girls plunge after these and
eggs and pure confectioners' Asugar, } invariably recover them.
closes the pores of the coffee, and ther by The religion of these people is still prin ive and crude. The
all the original strength and aroma are forms are interesting and significant, but they are of course mort
retainiar Arica Coffee has, during 25 { and more losing their hold. Flying kites made of leaves or bart
years, set the standard for all other roast- and called man, or bird, is one of the sports of special religious
ed coffees. So true is this, that other significance. Cirls arrayed in all the magnificence of barbarismi
manufacturers in recommending their dance at religieus festivals and add to the weirdness of the wor-
goods, have known no higher praise thanship. The noi 3 of the drum also adds to the impression.
to say: "It's just as good as Arbuckles',” Alligator-hunting is very popular. Seldom does a native go
forth on such a quest without bringing home a huge carcass for
ARBUCKLE BROS., his pains.
The Sandwich Islanders, both male and female are expert
This is one of a series of Fifty (50) Cards giving a pictorial History of the Sports and Paslines of all Nations,