Now $100
Pathfinding for the Glidden Tour-Detroitto Denver and return. 2600 miles in rainyApril. Car was an E-M-F"30 Price,$1250
E-M-F “30” Glidden Tour Pathfinder
This was the only time on record that Official Path-
finder Dai Lewis
took a hand at a ropes bál's avoirdus
pois was a valuable acquisition to the line and served top
keep the car from overturning in the soft tay ĐÂdiyer
Meinzinger, tired of the monotonous pull, pull, through
clay up to the hubs, thought he saw better footing at the
side of the road. Tried, but wheels on one side dropped
in ditch and there was nearly a capsize-strong spokes to
stand that strain, by the way.
Lee's Why the dicku My Harry
aut you send ray
Ma Harry Rieke
refoort car di Reeping 7. Spuit lng
were desbres?
BOXE PAD. Franke
Bearer fallopa
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