The Tribunal of the Imperial German Council of, War' sitting in Brussels
has pronounced the following sentences:-
Le Tribunal du Conseil de Guerre Impérial Allemand siègapt à Breseles .
prenoace les condamaations suivaotes:
Condemned to Death for conspiring together to commit Treason :-
dant rendaoaes a mort pour rabsoe eo bande orgasiser
Edith Cavell, Teacher, of Brussels.
Philippe Bancq, Architect, of Brussels.
Jeanne de Belleville, of Montignies.
Louise Thuiliez, Professor at Lille.
Louis Severin, Chemist, of Brussels.
Albert Libiez, Lawyer, of Mons.
Editb CAVELL Imitutrice a Brntelles
Philippe BANCQ. Arebitecte a Bruselles
Jeanne de RELLEVILLE, de Moalyrnies
Louive THUILIEZ, Professear à Lalle
Louis SF.VERIN Pharmarien a Bruseles.
Por the same offence the following have been condemned to 15 yeare'
hard labour :-
Albert LIBIEZ, 4ocal a Mons
Pour le aseame mouf. ont ew roodamees a quiase ans de avaex brees
Hermann Capiau, Engineer, of Wasmes,
Ada Bodart, of Brussels.
Georges Derveau, Chemist, of Paturages.
Mary de Croy, of Bellignies.
Hermann C4PIAU, Iagenieur a Wasmes. Ada BODART.
Georges DERVEAU, Pharmacien a Paturagea Mary de CROY, A Bellignies.
Daas sm^me seance. le Conseil de Guerre a proaosce contre dis-sept
At the same sitting, the War Council condemned 17 others charged with treason
ngainst the Im perial Armies to sentences of penal servitude dnd imprisonment
varying from two to eight years.
autres accusés de trabisen envers les Armtes Lmperiales, des ecendamnatione
de travaas lorcés el de prison variant entre deus ans et buit ans
En ce qui concerne BANCQ et Edith CAVELL, le jugement a déja
The sentences passed on Bancq and Edith Cavell have already been fully
reça pleine exécution.
The Governor-General of Brussels brings these facts to the knowledge of the
Public that they may serve as a warning.
Le General Gouverbear de Bruxelles perte ces laitei la connaissanee
du public pour qo'ils servesnt d'avertiseemeal
. The Governor of the City,
Brussele, 12th October, 1915,
Braeles e is Oosobre 16
Le Coavernear de la Ville,
Printed and Published by DOBSON, MOLLE & CO. LTD., Edinburgh and London
From Ian Malcolm's Collection (Universal Copyright)