Interior view of THE NORTH AMERICAN RESTAURANT--"The best ventilated Restaurant in Chicago"
The most unusual dining-place in Chicago, or any other city, is the
North American Restaurant
Northwest corner State and Monroe Streets, CHICAGO
Here you "serve" yourself and pay only for the food you eat.
Consequently, although North American food has a reputation
which is second to none it costs only about half what other
good dining-places must charge to include "serviceā to your table.
The North American Restaurant gives you more good food
for less money than any other dining-place in the country.
The truth of that statement is proved by the fact that nearly
two million people dined here last year - the greatest volume
ever achieved by any high-class restaurant or hotel.
Most Distinctive Sea-food Restaurant Since Rector's
(which was under the same ownership and management)
Open from 7 A. M. until Midnight Sundays and Holidays too