Call at the
BUREAU in the
lobby of the
HOTEL, Eleventh
and Stark Sts.
Phone MAIN 7241 or MAIN 1381
Portland Sight Seeing Trips
Leave Sixth and Washington Streets
N. W. and N. E. Corners
Daily-9:30 A. M.
1:30 P. M.
3:30P. M.
Lady and Gentleman or two
or more in party, each
Portland, Oregon
regarding San Francisco, the Exposition and other
points of interest. Directions given. Hotel rates and
Sight Seeing Trips reservations if desired.
Tickets or information concerning our trips can be
Terwilliger Boulevard Route had at the following leading hotels: Nortonia, Eleventh
and Stark Sts. Eaton, West Park and Morrison Sts.
Our City Trips embody the very latest ideas in Ritz, Park and Morrison Sts. St. Charles, Front and
comfort; they show the most interesting and beautiful Morrison Sts. Hoyt, 140 North Sixth St. Cornelius,
residence section that can be reached on a two hour Park and Alder Sts. Ramapo, 14th and Washington.
20 mile ride. This includes:
Congress, Sixth and Main.
1. The Terwilliger Boulevard (throughout the Single fare, $ 1.00. Lady and gentleman, or two or
length of which the grandest panoramic view of any more in party, 750 each. Parties of twenty or more,
city in America can be seen) extending 10 miles at an special rates.
elevation of 500 feet and fronting the Willamette river, The crowning feature of our trip is the Terwilliger
from which a view of Mt. Hood, (over 11,000 feet)
Boulevard, 10 miles of scenic beauty and ever chang-
Mt. St. Helens, (over 10,000 feet) and Mt. Adams,
ing panoramic grandeur, with an unobstructed view
slightly under this, can be seen.
of the entire city and the snowcapped mountains in the
2. The business and pioneer residence sections of distance.
the city
3. A visit to the world famous Forestry Building,
Cars Call at all Hotels
the largest log house in the world.
4. The beautiful and picturesque City Park and
Our cars will call at all hotels for you and will re-
zoological garden.
turn you to your hotel. If they have not our tickets
5. Portland's fresh water harbor, crossing Southern
on sale, ask for them, or call Main 724 1 or Main 1381.
Pacific one million dollar steel bridge, showing east
Do not forget the Terwilliger Boulevard Route. Com-
side residence district, returning via Broadway bridge.
pare our route and rates with others, then consult your
An INFORMATION BUREAU is maintained in
own interest. If you are satisfied with our trips tell
the lobby of the NOR TONIA HOTEL, Eleventh
others; if dissatisfied tell us.
and Stark streets, for benefit of our patrons. A lady
is in charge who will answer cheerfully all questions Look for the Green Cars