Erected in 1837, was partially destroyed but
preserved by reparation in 1879. The walls are
made of three tiers of logs, the inside and out-
side tiers placed horizontally and the middle
tier perpendicularly. It had its last prisoner in
September, 1919.
Old jail of timbers hewn and gray
You've known a grander, braver day;
When held by you for public good
Few peoples of erratic mood
Were landed safe behind your bars
With little cause to thank their stars,
But safe, secure till hied to court
To answer for their wicked sport.
But now alas you hold antiques
Of former prowess no one speaks;
Now this, old jail, I'd like to ask,
How do you like this tamer task?
"Twould seem your 3-ply walls were vain;
We wish you could go back again
To your protecting helpful work
And be a helpmeet to the Kirk.
Your iron bars, what need are they,
Where people only come to play?
And do you envy that new brick
With walls shiny, smooth and slick3;
A bath and lavatory, too,
A hall that folks many wander through?
Well, does it make your spirit quail?
I'm sorry for you ald log jail.
-Marietta Moser
Single fold
CHOOSE Brown County as your hostess
When you're feeling blue;
Let the voice of “Mother Nature"
Whisper things to you.
- The Community Club
Nashville, Indiana