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Флоксоноор........ма ололма --
An all-year-round resort
ideally conditioned for those who feel the need of a quiet
place to give new vigor to tired brains or bodies, and tone
to worn out nerves. Nature at French Lick Springs has
been lavished with her choice possessions-of pure air,
health giving waters and diversified scenery. Man has taken
advantage of these gifts by building amid them a hotel whose
reputation as a Health and Pleasure Resort has spread all
over the world.
The Hotel and Surroundings
The French Lick Spring Hotel is delightfully located
among lofty wooded hills. The buildings are of a most sub-
tantial character, modern and up-to-date in every particular.
There is not an inside or dark room in the house; every
bed chamber and parlor looks out upon the forest, the
flowers and the mountains which rear their summits on all
sides. The hotel grounds comprise over 1,000 acres of
natural park.
A handsome new addition to the present hotel building is
now under course of construction and will be completed by
early spring 1911. A special feature of this new addition will
be the “Bachelor Apartments” on the sixth floor, each room
being supplied with individual shower baths and other
Foods Fresh From Our Own Farm
The farm, garden and dairy cover 200 acres of the best
soil in this fertile secti of the country, produciné fune
iruit. vegetables, berries, etc., which ada to the excellence
of the table. The dairy is well stocked with blooded jerseys,
producing the richest milk and cream.
Recreation and Amusements
Some of the all-year-round sports and amusements at
French Lick Springs are horse-back riding, cross country
drives,, automobiling, golf, tennis, base ball, trap shooting,
bowling, billards, etc.
Chief among the field sports is GOLF. The links are
situated immediately adjoining the hotel. This happy
location is unique among hotel golf grounds in this country
and adds much to the comfort and convenience of the play-
ers and their friends. The accessibility of the hotel enables
one to become refreshed at the baths in the luxurious bath
house adjoining the hotel, and to dress at leisure in their
apartments if they desire.
The Baths
The new bath department is equipped in the most up-to-
date manner for every form of approved hydro and
thermotherapy. The equipment includes sulphur tub baths,
Turkish and Russian baths, Aix, Vichy and Scotch douches,
electric light cabinets and seperate swimming pools for men
and women. Competent bath attendants administer
massage, shampoo and salt rubs and other measures as in-
dicated. Tonic, reducing and eliminant baths are modified
to conform to individual requirements, and every effort is
made to render valuable aid to treatment.
The building is a commodius structure, with marble and
white tile interior finish and the most modern hygenic
plumbing. Pure air is, by an ingenious system of ventila-
tion, maintained at an equable temperature with avoidance
of objectionable drafts.
The Physicians of the place are men of high standing in
their profession, who thoroughly understand the properties
of the waters and their uses. Their directions are carefully
followed in the bathing of invalids, and they are in constant
communication with the management of the company and
the officials of the bath house as to treatment by attendants,
and all that concerns the operation of the establishment.
Rates and Service
The French Lick Springs Hotel is conducted on the
American Plan. Rates for accommodations range from $4
per day upward, according to location, furnishings and con-
venience of rooms.
The service throughout the hotel is prompt and thoroughly
efficient, and guests will find that the management has pro-
vided for their comfort in every way that a wide experience
could suggest.