"As it was." "As it is." Ancient Parish church of St Nicholas, Uphill Patron Saint of Sailors & Children (Santa Claus) Early Norman. 1068-1080 built on site of former church about 909 probably Mission Church. Divine Service held till 1840. Roof of Nave removed 1864 when chancel was restored. Now used for occasional Early Celebration and funerals. Bells date back to 1775. rehung 1870. Ralph Bishop of Bath & Wells visited Uphill 1333-1334 Village name from Norman "Uppe" upon Celtic "hill" creek. First record of Rector 1318 In 1323 called Uphull In Domesday Bk 1066-1086 "Opopille" Danes landed at port beneath hill on which was Beacon fire, fought Alfred's men in Saxon times. Once Roman Military Station. |