The Capitol is shaped like a Greek cross, fronting south, with projecting center
and flanks, having a rotunda and dome at the intersection of the main corridors.
The cornerstone of this immense structure was laid March 2, 1885, and the completed
building dedicated May 16, 1888. It was built at a cost of 3,000,000 acres of land
of the State taken from the public domain.
The dimensions are as follows: Length, 566 feet 6 inches, inclusive of porticos;
width, 228 feet 10 inches at widest- point; heighth, 311 feet. froms grade line to top
of statue on dome-7 feet taller than dome of National Capitol.
The building contains 258 rooms, 900 windows and 500 doors. The exterior walls
are built of Texas red granite from the inexhaustible quarries of Burnett County.
75 miles of railroad lines were built to haul the materials of granite and stone.
The wainscoting is made of oak, pine, cherry, cedar, walnut, ash and mahogany,
the aggregate length of which is about seven miles.
three acres of ground and has about 18 acres of floor space.
The work of construction was begun Feb. 1, 1882, and is second only in size to the
Capitol at Washington, and is the seventh largest building in the world. The grade
line is 600 feet above the level of the sea.
On the right side of the broad pavement leading to the main entrance to the
Capitol have been erected the Confederate and Alamo monuments, and on the left
are the Firemen's and Terry Rangers' monuments, and the John B. Hood Brigade
monument on the east side of the Capitol, where the Capitol greenhouses are also
located. The Texas cowboy statute is located southwest of the Capitol building.
This land today is worth about
The building proper covers
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