6 -- Frick's bock's
C.D. Miller, Publisher Parkerford, Pa.
Domestic, lc.
Foreign, 2c.
This is my very latest offer to date and is intended to supercede
all past offers in liberality to both my customers and agents. I will be home at Eureka
Hall every Saturday, and beginning with January every Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
when I shall be pleased to meet you and sell goods at rock-bottom prices.
Eureka Hall is one, and 1/4 miles respectively from Frick’s Lock, and Parkerford
I will have 43 views of Souvenir Post Cards which I will sell for 30c-1dozen 10c
or a cent each. I am also giving them and premium checks with my sales of other ar-
ticles. I am selling all of Larkin Goods, Bibles, Books, Albums and Post Card Albums from
one of the leading publishers at greatly reduced prices. All kinds of Household Specialties
at reduced prices. Ladies' World-this popular Ladies' Journal at lowest club rates-35c.
Please call and see the articles whether you wish to buy or not. My failing health forces
me to change my plan of business and make special offers. Any inquiry cheerfully
Parkerford, Pa,