Gpotia, N
The Wear and
Care of Harness
HARNESS needs a preservative! All leather has
a tendency to dry out and creck if not kept
oiled. Mineral Oils are superior to Neatsfoot because
they are free from acids or ingredients that will
become rancid.
Harness needs to be oiled frequently to preserve
its pliability and strength, as well as its appearance.
Use Eureka and avoid cracking of leather or breaking of
Eureka Harness Oil is especially manufactured for oiling,
blacking and preserving the leather of harness, carriage tops, and
leather of all kinds. If properly cared for, there are many years'
wear in well made harness; if neglected, the best made will last
but a few years.
It is self-evident that two bodies cannot occupy the same
space at the same time; therefore, keep your harness full of oil
and the water can't get in,
Be careful what oil you use. Good oil will preserve harness.
Many of the so-called harness oils have no lasting properties. A
good oil would preserve harness. Try Eureka in comparison
with what you have been using and see the result.
Put up in quart, half gallon, gallon and five gallon cans. Full
directions on each can.
"Has Properties Exceeding All Other Axle Oils."
For use on Carriages, Cabs and Buggies.-
Has splendid lasting qualities. Does not gum or corrode. Is
superior to Castor Oil, more cleanly and more economical,
because it wears fully as long and costs less; nor has it any of
the objectional features of a Castor Oil.
Why Not Save your time, your axles, your horses by
using only the best of all carriage lubricants, “Boston Coach
Axle Oil,” which is put up in lithographed pint, quart, half-gallon,
gallon and five-gallon cans?
Highest Award at World's Columbian Exposition-1893
For specific points of excellence as a carriage and buggy axle
lubricant, and being á perfect substitute for Castor Oil.