Hawaill Statehood 1959-1984
USA 200
August 21, 1959 is a day that will live forever in
America's history ... for on that day the territory of
Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the Union. Prior to
Hawaii's attaining statehood, travelers from all over the
world had already made Hawaii famous for its lovely
beaches and beautiful weather – Mark Twain even
called it “the loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored
in any ocean." The islands of this balmy paradise rise
out of the warm waters of the Pacific and are topped by
peaks which sometimes spew forth a fiery breath of lava.
Looking down from the volcanic peaks, one may see the
velvet green stretches of sugarcane and pineapple crops.
Importantly too, modern Hawaii has not lost sight of her
fascinating history. A bronze statue of King Kamehameha
1 — the ruler who united many independent tribal king-
doms - stands tall in Honolulu's Civic Center. In honor
of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the statehood of Hawaii,
the United States Postal Service issued the stamp featured
on this Maximum Card.
No. 84-18
©1984 The Maximum Card Collection
A Division of Unicover Corporation . Cheyenne, WY 82008-0007
Original painting by Bill Ramsey.