Junipef199 USAirmail
Junipero Serra
First Day of Issue: August 22, 1985
First Issue Location: San Diego, California
A man of vision, compassion and unfaltering spirit,
Father Junipero Serra was largely responsible for the
successful occupation of what is now California in the
1700s. Although Father Serra was well known and re-
spected in his home town on Spanish island of Mallorca,
he had a deep desire to bring the word of God to the
people of the New World. So in 1749 he sailed to the
New World with a group of other Franciscans. In 1769
Serra and his group established a the first California
mission at what is now San Diego. Under Serra's gui-
dance, eight more missions were founded over the next
fifteen years — all linked by El Camino Real, the Royal
Road. Working closely with the Indians and settlers of
California, Junipero Serra introduced the cattle, sheep,
grains and fruits of Mexico. Junipero Serra was a key
element in the settlement of California and the establish-
ment of its farming industries. Indeed, more than half of
California's present population lives in the areas sur-
rounding the missions founded by Father Junipero Serra.
No. 85-46
©1985 The Maximum Card Collection
A Division of Unicover Corporation . Cheyenne, WY 82008-0007
Original painting by David K. Stone.