First Day of Issue: February 3, 1990
First Issue Location: Sarasota, Florida
The combination of sun, surf and sand has long attracted
people in droves. Many a day off finds beach fans packing
up duffle bags, picnic baskets and station wagons and
heading for the spot where land meets water and sun
meets sand. People-watching from the shade of a brightly
colored beach umbrella is just one of the many joys of a
day at the beach. Kids of all ages venture out from under
the cover of the umbrella to roast in the sun, becoming
wonderful hues of deep gold and tawny brown, or in
some cases, painful shades of lobster red. They cavort in
the waves with huge inflatable creatures shaped like
dinosaurs, dragons, sharks and whales. Further out, past
the flotilla enjoyed by the less serious “waterbabies", they
“hang ten" on surfboards, gliding shoreward gracefully
over the water. And when the sun sets, they close umbrel-
las, pack paraphernalia into station wagons, and slowly
straggle homeward. But as sure as the sun will rise again,
they will return to the beach scene.
No. 90-6
©1990 The Maximum Card Collection
A Division of Unicover Corporation • Cheyenne, WY 82008-0007
Original painting by Ed Little