Lincoln's Home in Springfield
HERE HE LIVED and practiced law.
From here he went as chief magistrate of
the nation.
Here it was in 1865 that his body was
brought to be placed in its final resting place.
His old home is open to visitors.
The site of his office, near the court house
is marked by a bronze tablet and his monu-
ment in Oak Ridge Cemetery is visited every
month by thousands of people from all parts
of the world.
It is altogether fitting, then, that the
Illinois Watch Company should name this
splendid watch after its city's most illustri-
ous citizen and dedicate it to the young men
of the nation.
A Lincoln
The Young Man's Watch.
A. Lincoln
16 Size. 3-4 Plate. Lever Setting.
Hunting or Open Face
NICKEL: 21 ruby and sapphire jewels,
gold settings: adjusted to temperature, five
positions and isochronism: compensating hard
balance, having gold screws, including timing
screws: exposed double roller escapement:
sapphire roller and pallet jewels: beveled
steel escape wheel: entire escapement cap
jeweled: conical pivots: beveled and polished
gold train wheels: patent micrometric screw
regulator: best quality Breguet hairspring:
first quality Jurgensen mainspring, patent
safety screw center pinion: concaved, pol-
ished, visible winding wheel: friction fitted
dust band: double sunk, heavy figured dial:
damaskeened in bright striped pattern: black
enamel lettering.
Come in and See the
A Lincoln
The Young Man's Watch
THIS WATCH is made in Springfield, Illinois,
Lincoln's home town, and was designed for
railroad service. It is accepted and used on
all railroads but the demand for it from
young men who revere the name of Lincoln
has become so great that the makers de-
cided to feature it as a young man's watch.
We are very glad that they have done so
for we feel that it is a watch which every
young man will be proud to own.
Feeling thus we would like to have your
opinion of this splendid watch and ask that
you come in and examine it. We show only
a picture of the movement on the opposite
page but when you come to the store we
will put it into any kind of a case in which
you prefer to see it.
When may we expect you?
917 West Madison Street.